
For more information on the Empowerment Mandalas,
please visit the website:

Each mandala carries a specific energy. Whether that is a personal energy or the energy of a specific event.

I start the process of drawing that energy in the center, and with each shape and color moving outward the energy is built. The end result can be read from the outside in, showing what is presented to the world first and moving inward with each layer to the core of the energy. If the mandala is made to the energy of a person, the innermost layers show the reality, the core being of that person.

The process of drawing the mandala is always done in meditation. I draw each mandala by hand without the help of computers...

 Like this one for the seventh annual Gathering of Light:

Or this one, for an event with the title "Inspiring your Life":

The next one I have drawn for an event that is about a 'Turning Point':

The following one depicts the power of potential:

But I also create mandalas of personal energies, like this one which shows my energy:

If you are interested in a mandala of your own energy or for an event, do not hesitate to contact me!